كورس تعلم اللغة الانجليزية الجديد

Numbers / Les numéros

Zero Zéro zay-roh

One Un ahn

Two Deux duh

Three Trois twah

Four Quatre kat

Five Cinq sahn

Six Six seess

Seven Sept set

Eight Huit weet

Nine Neuf nuhf

Ten Dix deess

Eleven Onze ohnz

Twelve Douze dooz

Thirteen Treize trehz

Fourteen Quatorze kah-tohrz

Fifteen Quinze kanz

Seize Sixteen sez

Seventeen Dix-sept dee-set

Eighteen Dix-huit deez-weet

Nineteen Dix-neuf deez-nuhf

Twenty Vingt vahn

Twenty-one Vingt et un vahn tay ahn

Twenty-two Vingt-deux vahn duh

Twenty-three Vingt-trois vahn twah

Thirty Trente trawnt

Thirty-one Trente et un trawnt ay uhn

Thirty-two Trente-deux trawnt duh

Forty Quarante kuh-rawnt

Fifty Cinquante sank-awnt

Sixty Soixante swah-ssawnt

Seventy Soixante-diz swah-ssawnt deez

( ) Septante seh-tahnt Belgium & Switzerland

Seventy-one Soixante et onze swah-ssawnt ay ohnz

Soixante-douze Seventy-two swah-ssawnt dooz

Eighty Quatre-vingts ka-truh vahn

( ) Huitante weet-ahnt Belgium & Switzerland

Eighty-one Quatre-vingt-un ka-truh vahn tahn

Eighty-two Quatre-vingt-deux ka-truh vahn duh

Ninety Quatre-vingt-dix ka-truh vahn deez

( ) Nonante noh-nahnt Belgium & Switzerland

Ninety-one Quatre-vingt-onze ka-truh vahn ohnz

Ninety-two Quatre-vingt-douze ka-truh vahn dooz

Cent One Hundred sawnt

One Hundred One Cent un sawnt ahn

Two Hundred Deux cents duh sawnt

Two Hundred One Deux cent un duh sawnt ahn

Thousand Mille meel

Two Thousand Deux mille duh meel

Million Un million ahn meel-ee-ohn

Note: French switches the use of commas and periods. 1,00 would be 1.00 in English. Belgian and

Swiss French use septante, huitante and nonante in place of the standard French words for 70, 80,

and 90. Also, when the numbers 5, 6, 8, and 10 are used before a word beginning with a consonant,

their final consonants are not pronounced.

Ordinal Numbers

first premier, première

second deuxième

third troisième

fourth quatrième

fifth cinquième

sixth sixième

seventh septième

eighth huitième

ninth neuvième

tenth dixième

eleventh onzième

twelfth douzième

twentieth vingtième

twenty-first vingt et unième

thirtieth trentième

Note: The majority of numbers become ordinals by adding -ième. But if a number ends in an e, you

must drop it before adding the -ième. After a q, you must add a u before the -ième. And an f becomes

a v before the -ième.

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