كورس تعلم اللغة الانجليزية الجديد

Countries and Nationalities / Les pays and les nationalités

France la France frahns français/e frawn-say/sez

Switzerland la Suisse sweess suisse sweess

Italy l'Italie lee-tah-lee italien/ne ee-tahl-ee-awn/enn

Germany l'Allemagne lahl-mawn-yuh allemand/e ahl-mawn/d

Spain l'Espagne leh-spawn-yuh espagnol/e es-pan-yohl

Belgium la Belgique bell-zheek belge belzh

Netherlands les Pays-Bas pay-ee-bah hollandais/e oh-lawn-day/dehz

China la Chine sheen chinois/e sheen-wah/wez

Great Britain la Grande-Bretagne grahnd bruh-tawn-yuh britannique bree-tahn-eek

England l'Angleterre lawn-gluh-tair anglais/e an-glay/ez

Russia la Russie roo-see russe rewss

Poland la Pologne poh-lohn-yuh polonais/e poh-lon-ay/ez

Canada le Canada kah-nah-dah canadien/ne kah-nah-dee-awn/enn

Mexico le Mexique meks-eek mexicain/e mek-see-kahn/enn

Japan le Japon zhap-ohn japonais/e zhah-poh-nay/nez

Portugal le Portugal pore-tew-gahl portugais/e por-tew-gay/gez

Brazil le Brésil bray-zeel brésilien/ne bray-zeel-ee-awn/enn

United States les Etats-Unis ay-tah-zew-nee américain/e ah-may-ree-kahn/kenn

Sweden la Suède soo-ed suèdois/e soo-ed-wah/wez

Norway la Norvège nor-vehzh norvègien/ne nor-vehzh-ee-awn/enn

Finland la Finlande feen-lahnd finlandais/e feen-lan-day/dez

Denmark le Danemark dahn-mark danois/e dahn-wah/wez

Greece la Grèce grehs grec/grecque grek

Austria l'Autriche loh-treesh autrichien/ne oh-trees-ee-awn/enn

Australia l'Australie loh-strah-lee australien/ne oh-strahl-ee-awn/enn

Africa l'Afrique lah-freek africain/e ah-free-kahn/kenn

India l'Inde lahnd indien/ne ahn-dee-ahn/enn

Ireland l'Irlande leer-lawnd irlandais/e eer-lahn-day/dez

Note: When the nationalities are used as adjectives, they must agree with the subject of the verb

(masculine vs. feminine, and singular vs. plural.) The extra ending shown above is added to signify a

feminine subject. To make them plural, just add an -s (unless it already ends in an -s, then add

nothing.) The masculine forms of the nationalities are also used to signify the language. And the

definite article is not used before a language when it follows the verb parler (to speak.)

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